Monday, August 8, 2011

Visiting Villages South of Phnom Penh

Yesterday Mar and I went with a small organization that has been working here for about seven years.  They are very small, but making a difference!  Southwest of Phnom Penh there are some small villages (dirty huts on the side of a muddy road) of displaced people that are living on government land (squatters technically). They can be kicked off at anytime if the road gets expanded (paved) or if anything develops in these areas. Currently these villages are surrounded by rice paddies, but the villagers do not work at the rice paddies. Or anywhere. There is no place for them to work and they have no bicycles or motos or any way to get somewhere else for work.  It's just an impossible situation.  I'm sure you know that there are no 'government handouts' here.  There are really no options for these people, there is nowhere for them to go.

THE RESULT:   No food, no medical care, no sanitation or clean drinking water, no education (thats right, not even kindergarten).   These people are just getting along, day by day, living off of the rice that this organization is bringing them every week.  Recently one of the women had twin babies and was unable to breastfeed them (because she was malnourished) so the organization brought formula for the babies but it was too late for one of them.  There are many, many stories and many perfect faces that go with the stories.  Just letting you know to keep them in your thoughts and in your hearts.

I know that these stories are endless, but Mar and I both know that we want to do everything we can to help, even if it is just one person.  Please be in prayer with us that we will each know the best way to support and help these precious people.

Every Sunday the organization rents a mini bus and goes to these villages bringing them rice and food and sometimes doctors who help with problems and people to play with the children and teach them. The organization has hired a Khmer teacher so they can at least begin to get a basic education. I am not sure where he lives but I think he is teaching the children (all ages) Monday through Friday.  There is not a school, but obviously that isn't what matters :)   At this point they just need the basics!

P.S. Some pics (the lighting wasn't that great so didn't get many photos) on Onelifephotos on facebook.

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