Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stop putting on a show, just be in Him.

To live up to 'your full potential,' to find out 'who you really are,' to go out and actually 'make a difference' . . .
Are these really our goals, is this really what we are reaching for. It is so much simpler than this.
All we have to do is reach for Him. Its that simple. Dont have to go anywhere, dont have to have a picture perfect family, beautiful children, or even a family at all, dont have to have a career, dont even have to have a degree.
The only requirement is just a little faith. Simple faith and trust. We expect so much of ourselves and each other and we put that on Him. As if He will be judgmental as we are or even stand offish. It isnt even possible. His love is not only unconditional, it is also unavoidable. We cannot hide from it and we cannot somehow cause it to become null and void. Ever.
Be in him. Dont just go to church on Sundays. walk in His steps everyday. Dont read your Bible everyday, start living it. Even with the people that are different from you...whether they talk differently, live differently, or believe differently...LIVE it. When you see someone with nothing, instead of judging them and saying its their fault and they had to have made bad choices to get to this point, LIVE it. Dont pity people that have addictOiions LOVE them. Try walking in His steps just for a day and you will be blown away. And if we dont, someone else will. And do not be so proud to think that you are irreplaceable. We are all just a drop in the ocean. But IN Him a drop can create a tidal wave :)

Friday, January 14, 2011


Looking for reality....searching to find....the peace and the joy that this soul craves....loving you so much more than any of this....wanting no distinction between where I end and YOU begin....You wash it all away until that is left is a reflection....thank you that this is not all....thank you for forgiveness....thank you for glimpses....thank you that sometimes when we try to reach out and help (feed, clothe, or share hope) someone, they are actually the ones reaching out to us.....thank you for bringing me to my knees, just when I think "i" got things right....thank you for the shadow of your wings....thank you for the dark before the dawn....thank you for the tears before Your joy....thank you for constance....thank you for the coziest security blanket of all time.